Symprex Email Signature Manager, v5.0.0

Template Fields

The following fields are supported by Symprex Email Signature Manager.


Field Name



Replaced by the user's first name, as defined by the "givenName" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's last name, as defined by the "sn" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's full name, as defined by the "displayName" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's initials, as defined by the "initials" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's company, as defined by the "company" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's description, as defined by the "description" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's (job) title, as defined by the "title" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's office, as defined by the "physicalDeliveryOfficeName" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's department, as defined by the "department" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's (primary) telephone number, as defined by the "telephoneNumber" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's home telephone number, as defined by the "homePhone" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's mobile telephone number, as defined by the "mobile" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's pager number, as defined by the "pager" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's fax number, as defined by the "facsimileTelephoneNumber" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's IP phone details, as defined by the "ipPhone" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's street, as defined by the "streetAddress" property in Active Directory (not to be confused with the "street" property, which is a different field).


Replaced by the user's PO Box, as defined by the "postOfficeBox" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's city, as defined by the "l" (short for locality) property in Active Directory.

{STATE} -or-



Replaced by the user's state, as defined by the "st" property in Active Directory.

{ZIPCODE} -or-


Replaced by the user's zip (postal) code, as defined by the "postalCode" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's country, as defined by the "co" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's country code, as defined by the "c" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's email address, as defined by the "mail" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the user's home page, as defined by the "wWWHomePage" property in Active Directory.


Replaced by the full name of the user's manager, as defined by the "manager" property in Active Directory.



Replaced by the user-defined extension attributes configured through Exchange Server, as defined in the "extensionAttribute1" through "extensionAttribute15" properties in the Active Directory.


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