Symprex Email Signature Manager, v5.1.0

Command Line Arguments for sign.exe

The deployment command line utility sign.exe accepts the following command line arguments:





Specifies the type of the database to which the utility is connecting. The available values are as follows:


0 = Microsoft Access (the default value)

1 = Microsoft SQL Server using Windows Authentication

2 = Microsoft SQL Server using SQL Authentication


Specifies the name of the database to which the utility will connect. For Microsoft Access databases, this should be the full path to the database file (e.g. \\SERVER\SHARE\settings.mdb). For Microsoft SQL Server, this should be the name of the database on the specified server.


Specifies the name of the Microsoft SQL Server to which the utility will connect.


When connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server database using SQL Authentication, specifies the logon name for the connection.


When connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server database using SQL Authentication, specifies the password for the connection.

When connecting to a Microsoft Access database that is password-protected, specifies the password to use.


Show the log window during deployment.


Specifies the path for the application to search for files (the default assumes the current path from where sign.exe is started). The utility will first look for the configuration file sign.ini and, if not found, the settings database settings.mdb.


Note The settings.mdb database that is included with Email Signature Manager is in Microsoft Access format.


For users of previous versions of Email Signature Manager (prior to v5.0) the following points should be noted:


The /verbose switch has been replaced by /showwindow.
The /debug switch is no longer available.


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