Symprex Email Signature Manager, v5.1.0

Office 365 Connectivity Test

The Office 365 Connectivity Test dialog is opened by clicking the Test... button in the Office 365 Options dialog.


Office 365 Connectivity Test Dialog


This dialog is used to test connectivity to the Microsoft Office 365 servers located on the Internet. This is helpful to test that the deployment of signatures to Office 365 will work as expected using the specified impersonation account.


By default, the current Windows user is selected for the test. To choose a different user against which to test, click the ellipses button ("...") next to the user.


Note The credentials for the impersonation account to use will be taken from the Options dialog.


When ready, click the Test button. After a few moments, a summary message will be displayed indicating the overall result of test, which includes reading the number of items in the specified user's inbox and checking if the basic OWA settings could be found. A detailed log of the test can be viewed by clicking the link to the Symprex.Connectivity.LogFile.txt file, which is written to the current temporary folder.


Once testing has been completed, click the Close button to close the dialog.


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