Symprex Email Signature Manager, v7.0.2

Running the Agent from a Logon Script

The Email Signature Manager Agent can be run without the need for installation by using your domain logon script. This is accomplished by placing the Agent executable within a shared network folder and updating your logon script to execute it.


Create the Shared Folder


To create the shared folder, use the following steps:


1.On your chosen server, create a new directory.

2.On this new directory, assign the Domain Users group the following permissions:

oRead & Execute

oList Folder Contents


3.Share the folder using a suitable name. It is recommended to hide the share by appending the share name with the dollar ($) character.

4.On the new share, assign the Domain Users group the following permissions:



Run the Agent from a Logon Script


To run the Agent from a logon script, use the following steps:


1.Download the Email Signature Manager Agent executable (SignAgent.exe) from the Symprex website and copy it to the shared folder.

2.Modify the script executed by your domain users at logon to execute the Agent; this will be in the form: \\server\share\SignAgent.exe


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