Symprex Email Signature Manager, v7.3.2

Service Page

The Service page on the Deployment Options dialog is used to configure the Email Signature Manager Service:


Deployment Options - Service Tab


The following settings can be configured:





Specifies how often the service will update signatures for the users in your organization.


When the Email Signature Manager Service updates user signatures, it uses Exchange Web Services (EWS). For efficiency, the EWS servers located during the Autodiscover process are cached in the database. In normal circumstances, this cached data will remain valid but if any problems are experienced, the service will automatically clear the cached data and repeat the Autodiscover process. However, in some rare circumstances, it may be necessary to manually clear the cached data for all users to force the Autodiscover process to be repeated and all signature settings to be written to the user mailboxes. To clear the EWS cache, click the Clear Cache button. The Service must be stopped in order to clear the cache.


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