Symprex Email Signature Manager, v7.3.2

Including Graphics

Email Signature Manager supports including images in signatures, such as logos, banners, social media icons, employee pictures and so on.


For best results:


The best image formats for emails signatures are JPG and GIF.

Use images that are the size they need to be in the HTML signatures.

Ensure the width and height attributes on the HTML img tags are set correctly.

Ideally ensure the alt attribute on the HTML img tags is set to an alternate text.

Keep images on a web server and reference in HTML signatures using image URLs.

Smaller image file sizes are better.


When sending email from Outlook, images can be linked or embedded (this is controlled in the Deployment Options dialog).


When sending email from OWA and mobile devices, images are always linked.


Microsoft email clients and most other email clients do not support animations.


Please refer to our Knowledge Base for more information on signature design.


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