Symprex Email Signature Manager, v8.5.1

Upgrading v7.x and Later

Upgrading an installation of v7.x or later is very simple:


1.Using the new installer, upgrade the computer where the Full Installation has been made (i.e. the machine where the Email Signature Manager Service is located).

2.Run Email Signature Manager in the upgraded full installation; this will upgrade the database if necessary.

3.Using the new installer, upgrade any other computers where there is a Manager-Only installation.


The Email Signature Manager Agent has its own version numbering system, and new versions of the Agent can be released independently of the main application; hence, there may not necessarily be a new version of the Agent to match a new version of the main application, and vice versa. How the Agent is upgraded will depend on how it has been deployed in your organization:


If you are starting the Agent via a logon script from a shared folder, the new version simply needs to be copied to the folder.

If you are using GPO, please follow the upgrade instructions in the Group Policy topic.

If you are using ClickOnce, then the Agent can be updated using the Check Now button in the Software Updates group on the Options dialog.


Note You need to use v1.2 or higher of the Agent to benefit from the new Client Access Service introduced in v7.2.


The optional Email Signature Manager Transport Agent is always released in step with the main application. It is not strictly necessary to upgrade the Transport Agent as all major releases are compatible with the matching major version of the main application (for example, v7.0 of the Transport Agent will be compatible with v7.1 of the main application). However, it is recommended to keep the Transport Agent up-to-date with the main application when convenient to do so. The Transport Agent is upgraded by simply running the installer for the new version. When moving to a newer major version of Email Signature Manager, the Transport Agent must be updated.


To complete the upgrade of the Email Signature Manager Transport Agent, it is necessary to restart the Exchange Transport Service, which is responsible for delivering email. It is therefore recommended that you plan to upgrade at a quiet time. The installer can automatically restart the Exchange Transport Service or you can manually restart the service.


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