Symprex Email Signature Manager, v9.5.0

Installing Exchange Online Remote PowerShell Module

For Email Signature Manager to be able to logon to Exchange Online, the Exchange Online PowerShell v2 module must be installed. Details about this module can be found on the Microsoft website:


To install the module, please perform the following steps:


1.Start Windows PowerShell (32-bit operating systems) or Windows PowerShell x86 (64-bit operating systems) with administrative privileges.

2.Execute the following command:
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -Force


Note Installing the module may fail with the following error message:
"Unable to download the list of available providers. Check your internet connection."
If this happens, run the following command to enable TLS1.2 and later:
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 + [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls13
It should now be possible to install the module.


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